Another exciting Friday night in Michigan

Filed under:dork,meta — posted by Rachel on March 9, 2007 @ 7:12 pm

Hello everyone. I’d like to start by saying that I’m quite pleased to be invited to participate in this project and hope we’ll all be life-long internet best friends.

I’m Jess’ friend, Rachel. Jess and I lived together in AmeriCorps and we spent absurd amounts of time together in New York City.

Now I live in Ypsilanti, Michigan. I’m getting my M.A. in Children’s Lit (No, I don’t want to teach or write children’s books. I just needed something to do for two years) and I teach Writing Composition at Eastern Michigan University. Despite the fact that I teach writing and grade papers I still have no idea where to place a comma. Don’t tell my students.

I live in an apartment with paper thin walls. My neighbor recently got a new girlfriend and I can hear their wild, monkey-sex goings on at top volume. I’m impressed with his stamina.

None of that was terribly interesting, but I bet this is: My face is on a thong! So for just $9.99, you can have my head buried in your crotch any time of day or night. That’s a bargain, people. (Normally you’d have to buy me dinner first.)

Happy blogging!


  1. You fail to mention the ever-important detail that it is in fact your zombie likeness on said thong. I’m sure there’s a story here, but it’s probably less exciting than I’d like it to be.

    Hi Rachel. You came to a BBQ on my roof once ages ago. Goodtimes.

    Comment by Nate — March 12, 2007 @ 11:41 am

  2. Nate raises an interesting point. I don’t really explain why I’m all zombied out on a pair of underwear. A friend of mine in the Creative Writing department created a website called The Zombie Translator ( It’s an interesting website featuring me as said zombie, some existential 9-11 calls, and a film that was shot in my creepy basement. He does cool things with multi-media. It’s worth checking out. Anyway, the thong is part of our merchandising campaign to raise awareness of The Institute for Human Persistence; a group formed to defend against the inevitable encroaching zombie hordes. We need funding.

    And, hi Nate! I totally remember you and your rooftop BBQ. In fact, somewhere there exists a picture of me on your roof, looking pensively out over Brooklyn. It’s going to be the author photo on my first book, so thanks for that!

    Comment by Rachel — March 12, 2007 @ 3:54 pm

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