In between your pancakes

Filed under:stories — posted by Jess on March 11, 2007 @ 7:56 pm

Sometimes, many happy accidents come together at once to bring a little joy into your life. I’m going to tell two of those stories.

First, I went to see 300 on Friday afternoon with Josh. We both enjoyed it well enough but found ourselves leaving feeling like there was a better movie lying there somewhere. As we walked, I figured it out – the movie had no sense of humor about itself, it didn’t let itself be the rollicking bloodfest we wanted it to be – it was taking itself too seriously.

At the very moment we were wondering how to give it that sense of humor, we walked past a van blasting AC/DC.

Someone please cut me a 300 trailer scored to “For Those About To Rock.” Please.

Story two: I finally got around to pulling the pictures off my camera from when some friends visited, and found, nestled among the drunk people and smiles, this tender moment:


Worf, you’ll teach us all a lesson about love, you old dog.


  1. Wow this group blog thing is really a good idea! Like, somehow the different varied experiences make it more appealing to read. Keep up the bloggggginz

    Comment by Jesse Henderson — March 12, 2007 @ 8:44 am

  2. Oh that picture makes me terribly, terrilby happy. There needs to be some stop motion that happens one of these days. Like Worf wrecking your kitching or mauling a melon or something.

    Comment by Clara — March 12, 2007 @ 11:45 am

  3. Oh man, Worf would go nuts on a poor melon – maybe we have to send him after something tougher, like a can of soup. he could help me make dinner with his bat’leth can opener!

    Comment by Jess — March 12, 2007 @ 11:55 am

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