I am interesting and well-rounded
In an effort to do new and productive things with my free time, I’ve decided to pursue some hobbies. Grad school doesn’t allow for a lot of leisure hours, but summer rapidly approaches and anything has to be better than what I do now. (“What I do now” is obsess over unrequited love. I’m good times!)
So, here’s what’s on the docket:
1) Playing my guitar. I took guitar lessons for a while when I lived in New York. I could play something that kind of sounded like a sloppy version of Positively Fourth Street by Bob Dylan. I haven’t actually picked up my guitar in over a year, but am hoping it will all come rushing back to me. I would also like to learn how to read tabs. They confound me.
2) Running. I’m lazy. No joke, I’m really lazy. I’m also out of shape. I get winded carrying in my groceries from the car. I’ve never been an athlete. When I was in 7th grade, I played on a basketball team and only scored one basket and one foul shot all season. At the end of the year, I got Most Improved Player. That is sad. To rectify this sorry state of affairs, I have decided to train for a marathon. I bought two books on the subject and am going to develop an awesome training plan. I tell you this now, so that I can’t back out of it later. I need external motivation. I may also need some massages.
3) ?????? There’s room for something here, but I don’t know what it is. I am taking all feedback and suggestions. Sure, many of you don’t know me, but that may lead some exciting new adventure on my part. In exchange, I will send you plenty of suggestions for things you can do with your life. And, go!
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I still have a guitar pick that somehow fell off of you in my apartment almost two years ago. It’s on my bookshelf with other little momentos! Secondly, #2 proves that you really are Miranda; training for a marathon just reinforces what we’ve always known.
Comment by Josh — March 22, 2007 @ 12:32 pm
Unrequited love? Get in shape. Not cause nobody loves a fatty (I love fatties, man) but cause you’ll get out of the house, and maybe go running, and maybe accidentally bump into a sweet, brilliant, headstrong engineering grad student or something, he’ll drop his books and never forget your face, he’ll demand your phone number, you’ll claim you’re embarrassed and sweaty, but the pulses will run high and(truncated)
Comment by James — March 22, 2007 @ 5:13 pm
Develop an obsession with Star Trek! I recommend DS9. Or Voyager, just to be contrary. If Jess disagrees, don’t listen to her.
Comment by Jon — March 27, 2007 @ 11:07 am
Jon, I shall take that under advisement. I’ve never been much a Star Trek person, but perhaps that’s because I’ve never given it a chance. Thanks for the suggestion!
Comment by Rachel — March 29, 2007 @ 6:30 pm
Photography fits easily into whatever else you are doing as an excellent creative outlet. This is what I discovered a little over a year ago, and it sort of took over my life. But it does not have to take over yours, it can just be a convenient, stimulating hobby.
I used to run a lot. Now I mostly bike (sporadically), but running is definitely a good thing to be doing.
Comment by Nate — April 10, 2007 @ 1:24 pm