Whether they endorse it, of course, is another matter entirely.
I’m writing this from a hospital computer at Crappy But Well-Paid Job, because it’s ten to eight in the bastard morning and I’ve got sod all else to do. Crappy But Well-Paid Job involves covering sick leave and holidays on the York Hospital switchboard; it’s crappy, but, well, yeah. It does yield the odd interesting anecdote, though, which I’ll relate here as they come.
I also do two other jobs; Awesome But Poorly-Paid Job (bartender, The Ackhorne, most excellent pub; I’m the “friendly barman” described in the first comment, I rule) and Super Awesome But Extremely Intermittent Job (freelance illustrator – What I Want To Do With My Life, but gigs are currently too infrequent and low-paid for me to make a living at it). Doing illustration stuff all day long would be ideal, of course, but at the moment I have to say I’m glad of the variation in my work life at the moment. When I got out of art school, I foolishly thought I could blaze straight into The Business, becoming a high-rollin’ illustration sensation with a reputation all men envy; of course, business-wise, I didn’t know my arse from a hole in the ground, and spent six months unemployed. Like everyone else, I’ve since realised that success, real success, in this game is far more dependent on who you know than how many e-mails you can stomach sending to art directors.
I’m going to be exhibiting at the UK Web & Minicomix Thing next weekend, so expect the next few days’ posting to be shrieking, panicked hollerings as I deperately try to get all my shit together in time. Either that, or I’ll return with a con report around the 20th.
My name is Luke and I’ll sleep when I’m dead.
Edit: hee hee hee the rota here says “HO’S ROTATE BETWEEN WARDS” on it! (HO = house officer in this case; UK equivilent of a resident, but still. Giggles are few and far between on the 7am-3pm shift.)