Steampunk Supervillain

Filed under:dork,journal,stories — posted by Luke on April 10, 2007 @ 8:05 am

I’m going to take a moment to talk about a friend of mine, who we’ll call Johnny (because his parents did)

Johnny’s at university now, so neither I nor my York-bound buddies see much of him, but even before he went off he was the kind of guy who’d drop off everyone’s social radar for months at a time, only to re-emerge for a week or so with some terrifying new device to show off. You see, Johnny likes building machines, and Johnny likes to see what kind of trouble he can cause with household or otherwise easily obtained materials, so Johnny builds a lot of weapons. In his shed. Just for laughs.

His personal armoury, to the best of my recollection, includes: three air cannons, one of which is capable of driving a carrot through a wooden fence at a distance of several feet; a flamethrower that he built for a mutual friend; a jet engine (“it doesn’t get a lot of thrust but it is quite pretty,” he says) and, terrifyingly, a microwave cannon. I saw him down the pub on Saturday after finishing my shift (he was back in York for the Easter holidays; I think he’s probably gone back now) and he told me that he’s banned from one of the labs at university after a professor caught him amidst some potentially terrifying experiments with lasers (I’d had an amount to drink, but he was saying something about using electromagenetic fields to somehow intensify commercially-available laser pointers? I forget). He said something about modifying a nailgun at one point, I think, to increase its range and accuracy.

He’s a laugh and a half and generally polite and friendly but holy shit I am glad we are not enemies.

Welcome to the internet, Kathleen

Filed under:preachy — posted by Kathleen on April 4, 2007 @ 4:03 pm

Hey everyone, I finally bothered to get off my ass and get my comics their own website.

I have joined 1998 kicking and screaming! It is a proud day on the internets for the six people who read my cartoon. It is located here. Please check it out and bask in how awful it is.

Help me find my folky & alternative side..

Filed under:Uncategorized — posted by Josh on April 1, 2007 @ 7:40 pm

So…I have an audition in just under a month that requires a “short folk/alt. rock song”. Now, I have a fairly wide-ranging repertoire, but nothing that quite qualifies as folk or alt rock. So I’m asking you, the faithful blog readers for suggestions. I’d like something ideally that will be a bit unique and not performed 80 other times at the auditions, but not something so out there that the auditors are totally unfamiliar with it. Give me a suggestion that gets me booked and I promise I’ll give you a shout-out in my bio!