Everywhere I Go I Wanna Travel By X-Wing
The thought occurs that, in four posts, I’ve yet to really tell a story about where I live; this pattern looks to continue a little longer, as I’m not about to tell one now. This is about London, which, to be fair, is where I was born – but London is massive so that’s not really saying much either.
ANYWAY. I have a friend called Stu, who happens to know a rather excellent and well-renowned British illustrator called Jon Burgerman, who happened to have submitted something for The Vader Project, an exhibition of customised Darth Vader helmets on display at the Star Wars 30th Anniversay Celebration last weekend, and, as it happened, couldn’t attend (check out my three-hit happen-derivative combo! BISH BASH BOSH). So he gave Stu his free tickets. So Stu and his friend Whisk and I went to London, to gawp at Star Wars stuff.
Perhaps you would like to see some photographs?
The rest of the show was essentially a massive toy fair/autograph opportunity; we did not take advantage of the latter, as you had to queue for ages, and then pay for the autographs. It would’ve been nice to meet Anthony Daniels and/or had the opportunity to smack George Lucas with a rolled-up newspaper, naughty wee pup so he is, but not for money. OK, I probably would pay money to smack George Lucas with a rolled-up newspaper, but I was on a tight budget and driving from Nottingham to London costs a lot in petrol.
Also, cosplayers! I normally regard these people with a degree of suspicion – one not entirely allayed by the numerous Fat Leias kicking about the exhibition centre – but seeing entire squads of Imperial Stormtroopers marching around in formation, occassionally popping outside for a smoke, was magic. Hordes of young children in Jedi costumes, chasing each other around with plastic lightsabers, shouting and battling Just Like In That Bit In The Film. Twi’lek slave girls queuing up for noodles next to Mandalorians and maybe a couple of Sith Lords. No Elvis Trooper, sadly, but I guess he doesn’t travel outside the US much.
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