
Filed under:meta,stories — posted by Kathleen on March 9, 2007 @ 4:56 pm

Hey everyone! I’ve never had a blog before. I had something called a “Deadjournal” in 2002, when it was a fairly funny play on “Livejournal”, (and it was invite only! I felt so special!) but I think I made about 4 posts and couldn’t be bothered to do anything else on it.

But here I am today! I sometimes do things on the internet. Today LRR put up not only a video I wrote, but also my comic (which is not very good.)!
I even found time to do a doodle at work:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
It kind of looks like an ugly doll in a devil suit.

And now for a good story:
I live in a very Chinese part of Vancouver, just about at the intersection of 41st Ave and Victoria Drive. I can tell it’s a very Chinese part of Vancouver because there is a bubble tea house on my block that has menus that are all in Chinese, but you can get ones that are bilingual. It also stays open until 2:00 am on weekends, and serves the kind of Chinese food that sounds like a good idea at 2:00 am, provided you have been drinking all night. Last time I went I had some of a friend’s fish ball soup, but we all debated ordering a side of crispy fried pig intestine.

There is also a Chinese market a block away, which is hells of cheap, but their food goes bad fast, and sometimes it’s bad before you’ve gotten a chance to eat it. Once I cut the end off a perfectly normal looking zucchini and a rancid brown goo poured out of it. It had somehow rotted from the inside, with no discernable outside symptoms, such as the a sloshing noise from it’s liquid interior.

Anyhow, 41st and Victoria are also very busy streets, and my apartment faces out onto the road, so I’m used to a constant stream of car and bus noise, well into the night. I was sitting in my living room at about 10:00pm, trying to finish my comic (which was mentioned earlier) when it seemed like all outside noise stopped. This sudden silence actually caught my attention far more than anything else I’d heard that night, so I looked up from my work, but I got distracted by trying to draw just the right look in panel three, and went back to work. Gradually the silence was filled by what sounded like a woman singing on the street. I was almost about to get up, and see what kind of woman could make all the cars and buses and people stand still long enough to listen quietly to her song, when I finally nailed the right nose-to-forehead-to-chin ratio. By the time I had finished what I was doing she had walked by, and the traffic had started up again.


  1. Oddly, I encountered Deadjournal before I ever saw Livejournal. It was like the gothier cousin. I never knew it was invite only, though. Who had invitation power?

    Comment by Nate — March 12, 2007 @ 11:46 am

  2. I’m not sure who had power overall. I was invited by a friend. I think if you were an original user you got a certain number of invites, and you could get more by donating.

    Comment by Kathleen — March 12, 2007 @ 2:04 pm

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