It must be the hormones?
Q: Which is sadder?
A: The fact that I stayed home on a Saturday night and watched a nature documentary (the wonderful BBC documentary Planet Earth) OR
A: That the documentary made me burst into uncontrollable tears because the Amur Leopard is extremely endangered, and there are only about 40 left in the wild.
Caption: Baby leopards make me cry.
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Oh man, I know this feeling. When I was 19 I left school and came home to live with my mom until I figured out what I was gonna do. One day, in this situation, having just quit the worst job I’ve ever worked (telemarketing, duh), PMSing, depressed, and totally alone, I sat in front of the television for the entire day.
You know how constant TV can make you emotional? I think something about the sensory overload and the lack of physical exertion does something to your body. Anyway, I was watching City Slickers, and at the moment when Norman, the little runt calf, tries to ford the river and gets swept away, I simply burst into tears. Something about that little “mweeeehhhh” bleat coming out of him, and the music, and the extenuating circumstances – anyway, I just sat there weeping.
My mom came home, stuck her head into the living room, shook it, and disowned me.
Comment by Jess — March 13, 2007 @ 6:53 am