Time for an intervention?
There have been rumors that I had quit the blog before I even began. Pshaw, I say; I ain’t no quitter! With that out of the way, here is where things get heavy: I’m an addict. I don’t use daily; just Tuesday, Wednesday, and sometimes Thursday evenings. I spend the next morning thinking about the prior evening, playing it out in my head over and over. I talk about it with friends, read websites & blogs dedicated to it, and even am a member of a group as addicted as I am.
At this point you must be wondering what horribly sinful substance has me so deeply under her dark spell. I’m here to admit for the first time, that I am addicted to…..Idol.
 Yes, that lame Fox television show rules my life for the some 2-odd hours it airs each week. I’m involved in a “pool” at my office, a “Fantasy Idol” of sorts. Each week we wager points on who is getting the boot, with the big winner at the end winning hundreds of dollars. I’m an out & proud Kelly Clarkson fan, and won’t deny it to anyone who asks.
I take comfort in knowing that I’m not alone in my struggle. Recent figures say that nearly 30 million Americans are affected with Idolitis, though it’s a fairly safe bet that most of them are midwestern (Sorry Rach, you know I love ya!) soccer moms, middle-school aged ‘tweens, and scary men whose favorite shows are Idol & Dateline: To Catch A Predator. Either way, I have taken the first step and it feels freeing. My name is Joshua, and I’m addicted to Idol.
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How’s Melinda doo-ing?
See, I made a pun there
Comment by Jess — March 20, 2007 @ 6:10 am
Oh, Josh, you know if I had a TV, I’d be calling you during every commercial break. And, you’re right about “Idol” being huge in the midwest. One of my students just wrote a paper about it! By the by, if I come visit this summer, can I sleep on your couch?
Comment by Rachel — March 20, 2007 @ 9:50 am
Haha, can I read the paper? Or does that violate some privacy policy at the school? And bytheby, let’s change that to WHEN (not if) you come this summer, you can totally sleep on my couch!
Comment by Josh — March 20, 2007 @ 10:09 am
Josh, I think someone has outshone you as the Idol superfan.
I’m glad you’re not this crazy.
Comment by Rachel — March 21, 2007 @ 7:47 am
I like some of Kelly Clarkson’s stuff. But every other idol has kind of….like…sucked. Remember “Sorry for 2004”, by Reuben Studdard?
Comment by Jesse Henderson — March 21, 2007 @ 9:50 am
The only thing I like about him is how confusingly he treads the line between girl and boy, and I don’t think he’s doing it on purpose, so no point for him.
Comment by Jess — March 21, 2007 @ 11:10 am