It must be the hormones?

Filed under:journal,news — posted by Kathleen on March 10, 2007 @ 11:11 pm

Q: Which is sadder?
A: The fact that I stayed home on a Saturday night and watched a nature documentary (the wonderful BBC documentary Planet Earth) OR
A: That the documentary made me burst into uncontrollable tears because the Amur Leopard is extremely endangered, and there are only about 40 left in the wild.

Leopards make me cry.
Caption: Baby leopards make me cry.

Hello World

Filed under:meta,news — posted by Stuart on March 7, 2007 @ 6:07 pm

I guess as the 6th contributor, I need to begin by worrying about getting into 2 deadly games of cat and mouse in the sewers below Vienna.

Then again, maybe not.

By way of introduction, Wired seem to think I have a problem.

Admittedly, I did make the choice to begin using the Internet to get access to tv shows before they air in Australia, so I wasn’t left months behind discussions in various online forums.

The choice to never delete anything and fill up hard drive after hard drive with information I may never access (sometimes, multiple copies of the same movie/show/album) was all me, though.

But here’s the fun part: I don’t plan to stop. Just like I don’t plan to stop buying books I may or may not ever read and DVDs I may or may not ever watch.

My name is Stuart and I am a packrat.